Pirates Heroes were created within the project Empires & Puzzles: RPG Quest developed by Small Giant Games.
The game available on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1117841866
The first in the line (if we see from the left to the right) is SWASHBUCKLER. Main Good Guy of the Pirate Event. Classic ’pirates of the caribbean pose’, two pistols.
The second is CABIN BOY. Pretty much the guy below in ghostly style and with less cartoony proportions.
The third is DREAD CAPTAIN. Main Bad Guy of the Pirate Event. Heavyset, brooding, classic ’blackbeard’ look (with the ghost style).
Then, LADY. The Romantic Interest of the Swashbuckler. Clearly a ’beautiful ghost’, SEXY with loose hair.
And the last is HEAVY GUY. Clearly the largest, most undead & meanest.